Pow Wow with ATPO Remote

Pow Wow with ATPO

POW WOW with ATPO - Remote offers a regular , virtual peer support for leaders of organisations to meet, share ideas and offload in a confidential setting, facilitated by Dr. Feargal O'Neill. 

The Problem 

Sometimes as leaders you can be in a very lonely place - managing and looking after everything & everybody else. Nobody looking after you. And now, even after the COVID-19 crisis, you may still be doing a lot of the managing and looking after remotely. 

What it is 

POW WOW with ATPO - Remote is a place for a small group of leaders from different organisations to meet virtually once a week for 40 minutes. Confidentiality is a major pillar of Pow Wows with ATPO, and no group contains leaders in direct competition.  


With a background in the education sector, a Masters in Psychological Science, PhD in Psychology and extensive experience in management and working with organisations, ATPO founder Dr. Feargal O'Neill is uniquely positioned to facilitate groups and ensure maximum benefit for each individual. 
 Who is it for?
From founders of fledgling startups to leaders of large organisations that are trying to stay afloat in these unprecedented times, anyone who is managing people or business will benefit from the combined experiences & ideas of their peers in a structured and supportive way. 

How it works and how it helps. 

Each weekly Pow Wow session lasts 40 minutes

The sessions are facilitated by Dr. Feargal O Neill (ATPO). 

In order to ensure full engagement and benefit for those who take part the maximum number of remote group members per session is six. 

Those who take part in Pow Wow with ATPO sessions will benefit from the combined experiences and ideas of their peers in a structured and supportive way to: 

(a) Help their own organisations to cope with the current crisis 

(b) Grow their leadership skills 

(c) Share difficulties and obstacles to growth

(d) Discuss possible solutions

(e) Bounce new ideas off each other

All POW WOWs include ‘a little bit of psychology’ to maximise opportunities for group members to learn and develop in different ways.

Want to join a Pow Wow with ATPO (Remote) Group?

If you want to learn more about this service or to add your name to those who wish to join a Pow Wow with ATPO (Remote) Group, contact us at info@atpo.online.
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