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The Dream Landing

Dr. Feargal O Neill • 1 November 2020

16 steps from ATPO to get your dream project over the end line. 

You wanted to achieve something really special. You know that if it turns out as you want it to, it's going to be just great. You’ve used project management tools before to help you to get the job done but still, it's been a struggle to get projects to the end line. You're up and running on your dream project now but you know at some stage the process may slow, may even falter and stop.  ATPO has created 16 simple steps that we have recommended to our clients including some methods we have developed to get your dream project over the end line. 

We will answer some key questions;

  • You're up and running. What should you do now? 
  • How do you keep going when the novelty wears off? 
  • What do you need to do when you hit a roadblock? 
  • What are the final steps to completing the dream project? 

As noted in our article on the perfect start to your dream project these steps are not intended to replace the wide array of excellent project management tools that are available (e.g. Prince 2, Asana, etc.).  But as mentioned in the previous article the ATPO steps are relevant whether or not you use such tools. 

So let’s answer the key questions and take those steps to get your project over the line  

You are up and running. What should  you do now?  5 steps!

You’ve chosen a project that you really want to do and that you're sure needs to be done. You’ve been very realistic in your expectations for the project. You’ve got your communication channels up and running smoothly. You have an agreed objective and goals for all project members. Everybody at management and team level is aware of their obligations to make the project a great success. Here are 5 steps to set you off on the right track. 

1. Use KPI’s 

Key performance indicators can help you to track your progress, see what you may be ignoring or avoiding and give you control over your project. Be ambitious but reasonable in your KPI’s. They are there to help you to get the job done ..not to beat yourself or your colleagues up!    

2. Focus 

At this stage, you should have broken down your project tasks into achievable chunks. Now keep your focus on what you need to achieve on a daily basis. This will help you to avoid thinking too far ahead too early. And being distracted by the perceived enormity or difficulty of a project.  

3. Do one at a time 

We may be able to think of about forty-seven different things in a minute  but we can't usually do more than one thing properly at the same time. So just keep on one task at a time. But do note any new ideas that you have straight away. For looking at later. See below.

4. Keep new ideas for later 

All those great ideas that pop into your head during the day , particularly at the start of a project, might just be what you need at different points of a current or future project. Note them when they come to you but give yourself the opportunity to actually think about them at defined times in the day or working week. This will give you a chance to crystallise or elaborate on them when you are not trying to do something else (like a key element of your dream project). 

5. Treat yourself

Encourage yourself and the rest of the team early on and often. Once you have any of the project tasks completed give yourself a pat on the back. Or a treat. And if it's a bigger task …...a bigger treat. And once complete its party time! 

How do you keep going when the novelty wears off? 5 steps!

At times in any project, you will naturally be steaming ahead and at other times you will feel it's all a bit sluggish. You might become less enthused by the project than you were at the start of the process. Needless to say, you don't want to run out of steam before you get the job done. So what can you do to get over the dips in performance? See the 5 steps below. 

1. Get into the flow 

Regular short breaks throughout the day will help to keep your work schedule balanced. Not just tea, coffee or lunch breaks. You’ll need to take some exercise, get some fresh air, have a brief mindfulness session etc. Choose a flow that suits you. Taking account of the fact that some of us naturally work at a slow steady pace while others like myself work in short bursts with very regular breaks 

2. Keep moving on

Allow yourself to move to the next section of a project before everything in one section is perfect. At times some elements of projects can benefit from being left alone for a while. You can always go back and hone your work again and again as you proceed with other elements of a task. And if you can see progress in other areas it can help to put more difficult elements of a project in perspective. 

3. Find your tribe 

When things begin to get a bit sluggish a group of colleagues or acquaintances who get things done will help you to do just that. The talk will be about managing challenges not just naming and complaining about them. This will be essential as you navigate the choppier waters on your route to project completion. Don’t forget to keep some time for the sceptical colleagues or advisors ..but control the time you spend with them. We have provided further guidance on this area in our article The  Perfect Start.

4. Stick with the plan

Avoid the temptation to focus on a different new project when the current one is getting gritty or needs less interesting slow but necessary attention to complete. Give ‘Johnny come lately’ a look if you must but try to stick with your game plan until complete. 

5. Seize the  day

If you are in a slump leaving things till tomorrow sometimes makes sense. But most times it will be as difficult if not more difficult the next day. So if you have an allotted time for your project you may as well do something in relation to the current challenge. That might be just looking at what you’ve done so far or making a plan for how you might complete it tomorrow. If you keep your task goals small there should be something that can be done to keep you ticking over. 

What do you need to do when you hit a roadblock? 

4 steps!

Everything was going according to plan. The end goal was coming into sight. And then due to unforeseen circumstances, the project just shudders to a halt and it seems you can’t get any further. What can you do to get your project up and running again? Try these 4 steps. 

1. Control the controllables


Some roadblocks to project advancement are due to internal sources. These include the project team, the level of support of management, the objectives, the communication channels. These can all be adjusted and recalibrated once identified. Open discussion and clear communication between team project members and those managing the project are vital to allow for any changes that may be necessary to unblock the path to completion.

2. Manage the uncontrollables

Roadblocks due to external sources are harder to deal with as they may be beyond the realms of what you can control or influence.  You will need to manage the effects of external sources that block your way by being ready to pivot and change tack as needed.  (See tip below) . 

3.Change tack

Be open to a direction pivot to achieve a goal despite work completed in a particular direction.  COVID 19 has seen a multitude of organisations pivot to a completely virtual/remote mode in order to continue to work towards their objectives.  The goal is the important thing and the pivot is just another element of the way there. 

4. Abandon ship

Don’t be afraid to abandon a project if it's really going nowhere. If you apply all the above techniques and it still is not looking good well then maybe it’s just not to be.  There will always be elements of what you have completed that might be useful in other projects. 

What are the final steps to completing the dream project?  2 steps !

The bulk of the hard graft is done. The word is out that you have the makings of a fabulous project almost complete. You can almost touch the finish line. But not just yet!  So take a deep breath and follow these final steps. 

Believe in yourself 

Most of us feel unsure and doubtful of our ability at some stage when attempting a challenging piece of work.  And this feeling can be particularly strong when we are near the end line. It's all part of the process and a bit of self-doubt can be useful to make us recheck our work.  That's not always such a bad thing. But now is the time for self belief.  This is where  your colleagues, confidantes, and supporters can help you to stay the course to the end. 

Bite the bullet 

At a particular point, the key substantive elements of a project can be complete but sometimes we don’t realise it! We want to add something else or rewrite some findings or are not happy with how it looks. Perfection is just not possible so you need to bite the bullet at some point. Whatever you do even the greatest project will have some elements that can be improved upon.  So don't wait until your dream project is absolutely perfect as it never will be. When feedback comes in, embrace it, analyse it (not the person who gives it)  and if it's reliable and implementable, make changes for the better. 

In summary, the 16 steps to get your dream project over the line are. 


  1. Use KPI’s 
  2. Focus 
  3. Do one at a time
  4. Keep new ideas for later. 
  5. Treat yourself
  6. Get into the flow 
  7. Keep moving on
  8. Find your tribe 
  9. Stick with the plan
  10. Seize the day
  11. Control the controllables
  12. Manage the uncontrollables
  13. Change tack 
  14. Abandon ship 
  15. Believe in yourself
  16. Bite the bullet 

If you would like to try some or all of the above steps to complete your dream project please do so and tell us how you got on.  If you have any questions about this article or just need more information about project management techniques please contact us

And don’t forget we provide a range of services ( face to face and virtually),  that focus on organisational development including the best way to get your projects up and running and to get them over the line. Every service we provide can be customised to the specific needs of leaders and general organisations. 

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RESURGENCE 25X Webinar 19 January 2021 Five guest speakers. Twenty-five examples of Resurgence. Five customised attendant engagement activities. One goal: Support a vibrant recovery for Ireland from COVID 19. ATPO linked up with Waterford Chamber to deliver this unique event. As part of ATPO’s contribution to a vibrant recovery from COVID 19 Resurgence 25 X took place at 11.00 am GMT on the 19th of January. It is a Waterford conceived initiative to share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence in Ireland that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. It is very clear that the devastation wrought by the COVID 19 pandemic on the Irish population will take a number of years to undo. Whatever steps we take now to get us back to our vibrant best may not take full effect until 2025 (or even later). Government departments, agencies, etc. have been working on the recovery agenda since the start of the spread of COVID 19. But it is also clear that we will need as many options as possible from as wide a field of contributors as possible to push us through to full sustainable recovery. Resurgence 25 X was the first of a number of such events planned for 2021. The objective is To share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence in Ireland that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. To maximise the engagement of attendees during the event. To achieve the above in a manageable chunk of time for participants and attendees (two hours ). The event included (A) My perspectives on mindset and momentum. (B) Inputs from 5 guest speakers presenting examples from a diverse range of expertise, practice, and perspectives. (C) 5 customised interactive engagement activities (the X element) to expand on and multiply the resurgence themes from the event. To begin the session I spoke about the importance of a A positive mindset to allow momentum for positive change and Recognising and building on real momentum shift when it will inevitably occur.
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