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Resurgence 25X Viability Webinar

RG377393 • 3 July 2021

Following on from the success of our initial  Resurgence 25X event with Waterford Chamber and an R25X radio series  with WLRfm on the 5th of May 2021, we were  joined by a host of knowledgeble guests,   including An Tánaiste Leo Varadkar. They  looked at five ideas  to get Waterford moving, and offered  their expert opinions on how to get them over the line.

Resurgence 25X was developed by ATPO to address the challenges presented by COVID 19 to our society and to shine a light on possible ways to rise to these challenges. The concept is to garner as many ideas and options as possible from as wide a field of contributors as possible to push us through to full sustainable recovery by 2025 (or earlier). 

ATPO linked up with Waterford Chamber  to deliver the first Resurgence 25X webinar  event  which  took place on the 19th of January. The  event was very well received by attendees and the Resurgence movement had begun in earnest. Ideas were received (and recirculated to all attendees) in relation to a wide variety of sectors (e.g. connectivity,sustainability etc.). 

In order to reach an even wider audience and to gain more ideas, but this time specifically in relation to resurgence  for Waterford, a customised Q and A series, Resurgence 25X for the Radio, was broadcast on the Hot Desk (WLRfm) over the month of March 2021 . 

Based on the above  we  collected a variety of

(a) completely new ideas  and 

(b) revised versions of ideas that have been circulating but not acted upon to date.

And so on the 5th of May ATPO,  once again partnering with Waterford Chamber,  checked out some of the proposals and ideas received, in relation to Waterford, for real viability to allow for their implementation within a few years (by 2025).  As it would be very difficult and unwieldy at this stage  to try to further a wide range of ideas for actual implementation in Waterford it was decided to choose five ideas for this initial viability process. The five ideas we assessed  at this session appear to be really suitable for implementation within a short time frame. 

The ideas and the expert discussions are presented below. 

A Remote working network for County Waterford 

Minister Leo Varadkar was delighted to join the guests to speak about the current support available for remote working hubs.

Seamus Kilgannon (WorkLAB Waterford) discussed the issues related to setting up remote working hubs.

Waterford as an Outlet City

Richard Hazell (International Outlet Village expert) and Niall Harrington, (Fewer Harrington & Partners) drilled into the necessary steps to get this idea moving for Waterford.

High-speed train service to Dublin

Barry Kenny, Iarnrod Eireannn (Irish Rail) and Marian Walsh (Carron + Walsh) spoke about how to make a high speed service for the South East   a reality.

City Centre Farmer’s Market

Darina Allen, Ballymaloe and Clodagh Griffin (Event Manager)  discussed the viability of a permanent  enclosed food market for Waterford city.

Where Ireland began the Greenway begins : moving the start of the Waterford Greenway to the William Vincent Wallace plaza.

Mary Houlihan (Fáilte Ireland) and Ronan Mulligan (Mulligans Pharmacy) shared their views on the retail and tourism benefits of this proposal.

The feedback from all those who  watched this event live on the day and who have watched the recordings have been exceptionally positive. Comments included the following;

'Energising and informative',

' Inspirational', 


It was such a privilige  to be part of this session which aimed to make a real difference for Waterford. Resurgence in action!

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RESURGENCE 25X for Health Webinar 19 May 2021 Building further on the momentum of the initial Resurgence 25 X and the Resurgence 25X for the Arts webinars. On the 19th of May, ATPO, in association with w orkLAB Waterford , convened a webinar dedicated to a vibrant recovery from COVID 19 for the Health sector. As is fully appreciated front-line combat with the virus, by all in the Health sector, has been exhaustive and for some demoralising. But this event was about looking a little ahead to see what possible positive change in the sector is achievable. And also looking back to see examples of resurgence from chaos and crisis. It is intended as a platform for ideas that will help its recovery. The intention is to share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence for the Health sector that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. The event included (A) My perspectives on mindset and momentum creation and key momentum shift for the Health sector. (B) Inputs from 5 guest contributors presenting examples from a diverse range of expertise, practice, and perspectives. (C) 5 customised interactive enggement activities (the X element) to expand on and multiply the resurgence themes from the event. Each of the guest speakers was given the same ‘5 for 25X’ challenge. To speak about their perspective on resurgence for the Health sector based on their knowledge, experience, and ideas for our recovery from COVID 19 over the next few years (to 2025). To add to the challenge each speaker was asked to provide at least 5 examples of resurgence in their delivery. The guest contributors and their contributions are presented below. Dr. Sharon O Donnell Sharon is Managing Partner of Waterford Medical Centre - a large busy dynamic General Practice. She works with a dedicated clinical team of 9 GPs, 2 Practice Nurses and 7 non-clinical administrative staff. Her own area of expertise is in Women's Health. Sharon is an active member of the Waterford faculty of the Irish College of General Practitioners in Ireland (ICGP) is part of the hospital liaison group in Waterford, facilitating her interest in making change and improving communication in the health service. In her spare time, Sharaon is a Director of The Majestic Hotel, Tramore – the award winning 4 star seaside family hotel. She thoroughly enjoys tennis, travelling and family time. After 29 years working as a Doctor, she remains passionate about improving healthcare, hopeful for the future and keeps trying to make changes, no matter how small, one step or one person at a time. Here are Sharon's five resurgence ideas Healthy Living Practices with Children Public Exercise Areas for Adults More Integrated IT System Universal Health Card Extension of Community on Call System
by RG377393 16 April 2021
RESURGENCE 25X for the Arts Webinar 7 April 2021 Building on the extraordinary success of the initial Resurgence 25X event on the 19th of January ATPO in association with the Theatre Royal Waterford convened a webinar dedicated to a vibrant recovery from COVID 19 for the Arts. All those working in the Arts domain both in Ireland and worldwide have been heavily impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. Resurgence 25X for the Arts is intended as a platform for ideas that will help its full recovery. The intention is to share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence for the Arts that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. The objective is To share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence for the Arts that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. To maximise the engagement of attendees during the event. To achieve the above in a manageable chunk of time for participants and attendees (two hours ). The event included (A) My perspectives on mindset and momentum creation and key momentum shift for the Arts . (B) Inputs from 5 guest contributors presenting examples from a diverse range of expertise, practice, and perspectives. (C) Customised interactive engagement activities (the X element) to expand on and multiply the resurgence themes from the event. Each of the guest speakers was given the same ‘5 for 25X’ challenge. To speak about their perspective on resurgence for the Arts based on their knowledge, experience, and ideas for our recovery from COVID 19 over the next few years (to 2025). To add to the challenge each speaker is asked to provide at least 5 examples of resurgence in their delivery. The guest contributors and theri presentations are below; Sean Corcoran
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by Dr. Feargal O Neill 30 January 2021
RESURGENCE 25X Webinar 19 January 2021 Five guest speakers. Twenty-five examples of Resurgence. Five customised attendant engagement activities. One goal: Support a vibrant recovery for Ireland from COVID 19. ATPO linked up with Waterford Chamber to deliver this unique event. As part of ATPO’s contribution to a vibrant recovery from COVID 19 Resurgence 25 X took place at 11.00 am GMT on the 19th of January. It is a Waterford conceived initiative to share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence in Ireland that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. It is very clear that the devastation wrought by the COVID 19 pandemic on the Irish population will take a number of years to undo. Whatever steps we take now to get us back to our vibrant best may not take full effect until 2025 (or even later). Government departments, agencies, etc. have been working on the recovery agenda since the start of the spread of COVID 19. But it is also clear that we will need as many options as possible from as wide a field of contributors as possible to push us through to full sustainable recovery. Resurgence 25 X was the first of a number of such events planned for 2021. The objective is To share, magnify, and multiply the ideas and opportunities for a resurgence in Ireland that can be adopted now and show fruit in 2025. To maximise the engagement of attendees during the event. To achieve the above in a manageable chunk of time for participants and attendees (two hours ). The event included (A) My perspectives on mindset and momentum. (B) Inputs from 5 guest speakers presenting examples from a diverse range of expertise, practice, and perspectives. (C) 5 customised interactive engagement activities (the X element) to expand on and multiply the resurgence themes from the event. To begin the session I spoke about the importance of a A positive mindset to allow momentum for positive change and Recognising and building on real momentum shift when it will inevitably occur.
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You wanted to achieve something really special. You know that if it turns out as you want it to, it's going to be just great. You’ve used project management tools before to help you to get the job done but still, it's been a struggle to get projects to the end line. You're up and running on your dream project now but you know at some stage the process may slow, may even falter and stop. ATPO has created 16 simple steps that we have recommended to our clients including some methods we have developed to get your dream project over the end line. We will answer some key questions; You're up and running. What should you do now? How do you keep going when the novelty wears off? What do you need to do when you hit a roadblock? What are the final steps to completing the dream project? As noted in our article on the perfect start to your dream project these steps are not intended to replace the wide array of excellent project management tools that are available (e.g. Prince 2, Asana, etc.). But as mentioned in the previous article the ATPO steps are relevant whether or not you use such tools. So let’s answer the key questions and take those steps to get your project over the line
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